It's that time of year again.  Jack-o-lanterns sitting in the window, Halloween figures on people's front porches, spooky Halloween decorations hanging from windows and doors.  Halloween is probably one of children's  favorite holidays as they look forward to getting dressed up in costumes and go door-to-door collecting candy.
However, some safety precautions must be taken to keep your pets safe this Halloween.  Here are some tips you can use to ensure your pet has a safe Halloween:

Kết quả hình ảnh cho chó mèo cảnh

Keep pets away from Halloween candy, which can be toxic to dogs and cats 
    • The main culprits for harmful candy are:
      • Chocolate
      • Candy containing sugar free sweeteners.  Xylitol, a substance found in sugar-free candy, can cause serious reactions in pet's stomachs and intestines
      • Raisins

Prevent pets from escaping on Halloween night
    • Keep pets in a separate area of the house on Halloween night, when trick-or-treaters come and the door is frequently open and closed.  The costumes may look cute to look at, but pets may be frightened by them and try and run

Beware of Halloween decor around the house
    • Jack-o-Lanterns lit with a burning candle are a good example.  Pets could easily knock them over and create havoc.  Cats, being curious, may try and sniff a candle which could burn their noses.  Keep pets away from items such as fake cobwebs, light strands, loose wire and electrical cords.